X20 keeps rebooting  


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Joined:8 years  ago
Posts: 4
March 2, 2017 12:42 am  

After booting, my X20 spends about a minute in a state when it can be connected to (via USB or WiFi). But after that the logcat gets full of messages like:

03-02 00:37:37.376 242 394 W SurfaceFlinger: EventThread: dropping event (7673796e) for connection 0x7f8c266ce0

The screen output gets corrupted, and the board reboots. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening?

Edited: 7 years  ago

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Joined:7 years  ago
Posts: 1
March 17, 2017 9:22 pm  

Is this forum still active? I have an x20 development board that keeps rebooting too and i can't find any good help from this forum.

Anyone has this same issue or possible solution?

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Joined:8 years  ago
Posts: 4
April 10, 2017 11:21 pm  

I am no longer trying to connect to this board via Wi-Fi, and it's behaving well. However, in the list of Wi-Fi networks I see "NVRAM WARNING: Err = 0x10". I vaguely recall seeing it on this board when I first reported this issue. I don't have this issue with my other X20 (which is more normal). This might be related to constant rebooting...

P.S. Alas, the forum is full of spam :(.


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